Car Rental Whangarei

We will provideĀ  you with quality rental vehicles at a competitive price and have outstanding customer service that exceeds your expectations.

Our Core values are:

Customer service:

We are enthusiastic friendly, helpful and prepared to go the extra mile for you. Our staff will be knowledgeable about Northland and be able to give advice and guidance to ensure you have a great time in Northland.


We operate our business based on our personal values and beliefs, especially honesty and trust.


We give you value for your money and aim to provide quality used cars at reasonable/competitive prices for the average person.

Pick up/drop off

On your departure you may leave the rental vehicle at the Whangarei Airport.

Whangarei Information

ComeĀ to beautiful Northland New Zealand an area where you will never be more than 30 minutes away from the Tasman Sea or the Pacific Ocean.
Northland is one of the warmest areas of New Zealand and Winter is a great time to visit.
Take long leisurely walks on the beach or visit local tourist spots without the crowds.

Hire a car and explore the extensive picturesque Sub Tropical Quarry Gardens in Whangarei and walk the beautiful tracks developed in the old quarry site.
You can take your rental car on a circuit around northland. Head West to Visit the stunning Kaiiwi Lakes, travel though the lush Waipoua forest and be amazed at Tane Mahuta the biggest Kauri tree in New Zealand.

You can head right to the top of New Zealand to Cape Reinga a very spiritual, beautiful place. On your way back to Whangarei you can visit the Bay of Islands and maybe travel on the ferry to historic Russell.

We can get you to all these places and more in one of our rental cars. We can provide you with free maps and can pick you up or drop you off from the Onerahi airport or Rose street intercity bus station.

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